Monday, March 2, 2015

Education in Portugal

Educational System in Portugal

Pre-school Education

Run by State organizations, charitable institutions, private and cooperative organizations, pre-school education is an optional schooling offered in Portugal that will accept children ages three to five. Pre-school education is considered very important because it is a foundational structure for lifelong learning, and considered a social and cultural necessity.

Pre-school education aims at teaching children social skills, comprehension reading and writing in multiple languages, a positive sense of ones self while recognizing and respecting different cultures, critical thinking and active learning, health and environment issues, and democratic participation for their age level.

Basic Education

Basic education is for ages six to fifteen. It’s divided into three cycles: the first cycle is for four years and for ages six to ten, the second cycle is for two years and for ages ten to twelve, and the third cycle is for three years for ages twelve to fifteen. The first cycle is completed in primary schools, while the second and third are completed in secondary schools.

 In order to enter the first cycle, the child must be six by the 16th of September. If a child is six by December 31st, they can also enter first cycle, but older the children get priority when filling the classrooms. Basic education must be attended in the area where the child lives, or where the parents work. 

In order to register a child to school they need to show registration papers, health certificate, three passport photos, proof of identity, and a leaving certificate that confirms the previous level completed by a student.

At the end of the school year, students have to be assessed by a National Exam. Those who do not reach a satisfactory score will not move on to the next stage, but will reapeat all or part of the year. Students who pass the general assessment at the end of the third cycle get awarded with a certificate of basic education by their school.

Secondary Education

Children ages fourteen and fifteen may continue with secondary education. Secondary education has a cost for enrollment and tuition, textbooks, and other school supplies. At the end of the tenth and eleventh year of schooling, there is a general written test in every subject called internal assessment. This test, along with the Class Council decides if a student can advance to the next class or repeat. In the twelfth year, an external assessment is given in the form of a written exam.  A student must pass every subject in order to pass that year. A certificate is awarded to each student that passes and indicates their final mark in each subject.

Higher Education

In order to apply to higher education, a student must have completed three years of secondary education and have a diploma(or equivalent) from secondary school. Higher education includes polytechnics, public and private institutions. Degrees to be achieved can be a bachelors degree, which takes three years, or licentiate degree, taking up to six years.

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